Monday, February 14, 2011

Now I believe......

     I can remember when my children were young, and I needed to scream at all the chaos. Everyone would try to talk at the same time and there were always strange little things floating around in my diet coke and I had not put there!  Often whenever I would voice my struggles there would be a more mature, wiser women around that would over hear my grievances and they would often offer the same advice. "Enjoy them while their young because when their older it just multiplies." I can remember thinking what multiplies? I would say to my self , " whatever she just does not understand
how crazy getting everyone to school with all their homework and lunches, all the clothes I have to wash and what about the arguing and car pooling. Not to mention cleaning the house and all the stuff I keep digging out from under their beds. She just doesn't understand what its like for me.

    Over night, (a least it seemed like that) my children were grown. I  still wonder how in the world did this happen so fast, where did the time go. A couple of years after Lara graduated from high school I had a friend say to me as her daughter was graduating...

"Tinna why didn't you tell me I would feel like this?"

 I simply said to her "because you would not have believed me!"

Her reply: "your probably right, I wouldn't have."

     Then much further down the road in the adventure of motherhood comes more children, our grand children. Can I tell you there is nothing like it in this whole wide world like becoming a grandmother. Maybe its because I'm not the one who has to be responsible for their raising. I can give them coke and a sucker just before bed time, and its all on my watch. (By the way I won't do that again;  they were spending the night with me this weekend and I thought they would never  settle down. (My bad ;).....I just laughed and enjoyed their wide eyed excitement.

     The one thing I have discovered as a  "Honey"  (that's my grandma name) is that when my heart aches now,  it aches for every member in their family. Not just my child but all of my family; that is what the "wise, more experienced women" were try to tell me, but I didn't believe them.

     But Isn't it sweet of the Lord to not let us have everything all at once, trust me we couldn't take it. He allows a little bit of life to happen to us so we can see that we will survive, and to prove himself faithful.......through,

Child birth
child rearing
leaving for college
in laws

And all he has for us there after. By this time in my life as a grandmother I have lots of history with Lord, I have watched him show himself faithful  so many times. And just let me shout this from the roof top it was not because I had some incredible mind boggling faith, because I must tell the truth I did not have that. I have been scared plum out of my P.J's with "LIFE"  happenings within mine,  and my families lives.  But This is what I have found to be true,  no this is What I Know to be true about Jesus is that every time, and I do mean EVERY TIME  "A LIFE" experience happened and after  the storm settles down, "WE" have seen and experienced Jesus in more ways than we experienced " THIS LIFE" happening situation!. I don't know if this makes sense to you, it will one day. Life is what happens while were making other plans. Trust me you will meet Jesus in your "LIFE" experiences and he is prepared for you and he knew you were coming and he knew you were not going to be able to "believe this" without his help!" He knows the plans he has for us, I promise and he is in this storm. I can already hear the sound of  his  "True, pure, right, admirable, lovely,  excellent, and praise worthy voice. The sound is familiar and a peace rushes over me as I am reminded of his  presences and his faithfulness, the strength in his tone, as always, is beginning to take my every thought captive to Jesus Christ,.......And this I do believe!

I do believe....

Too tired to edit:)

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