Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What I learned today...

What I learned today....

 I learned, just because you think someone should be broken hearted, doesn't mean they are.....

I learned, that when I wonder if God is nudging me to strike up a conversation with the lady sitting close to me and our eyes keep meeting, that yes that was God's nudging.....

I learned,  that when others handle things differently than I would, that they are not wrong, just different...

I learned today, to enjoy the difference of God's people, that judgement that comes quickly shouts of  insecurity..........

I learned today,  that the Glory of God shows up in places that I would never dream of.........

Remembering always what Jesus promised me: Tinna:"I will never leave you or forsake you. Hebrews 13:5 I love you all,Tinna

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