1 Thess. 5:14 And we urge you, brothers and sisters, admonishthe idle, encourage the fainthearted, help the weak,be patient with them all
      Isn't it funny how when life comes barging through your plans in such a manner that you never dreamed could be part of the fairy tale life you had planned We are shocked, we almost drowned in a sea of denial, anger, fear, and guilt. Then the questions start bubbling up, and denial creeps in and often we allow our emotions to spew all over our families. Accusations are made, sometimes silently, other times they bite others like venom.  You discover no one really has the answers that you are looking for. So we search and pray, ask more questions and blindly trust others who we think must have more knowledge that we do. We search the internet, ask more questions, read every book, still we sit and we wonder why, or how, or we ask the ultimate question? Is this my fault?  I must have done something to cause this, what could I have done differently?  But then when that all so common, regular day, filled with unanswered questions ends and we must turn our thoughts back to doing what we do most every night , bathing and feeding that loved one. we tuck her tightly into bed, sing and pray over her and look in to that sweet face and realize there are no words to describe the love that God has blessed us with in giving us such a special child. You rise from her bed believing all the way from her bedside to your own that you are trusting God with all our strength.  With one last effort you throw the covers back and hop into your private little world "our own side of the bed", pull the covers up over your  head and cry yourselves to sleep wondering what in the world Jesus, can I do to help this child, why can't I get the answers that she needs, and Lord what in the world is ever going to happen to her when I'm  gone. Jesus, I cant do this, I don't know how........

     If you have been blessed with a child with disabilities,  I'm sure you are thinking to yourself, I didn't know anyone else felt this way. Well, you're not alone in this life long journey of finding out who God really is for us and the unknown's about your child. I have looked for a support group of mom's for years who were experiencing some of the same issues. As most of us know that each child and their differences are unique, but the one thing we do have in common, we are Mom's and we are crazy about our kids, and our hearts feel like they have been put through a meat grinder. I pray that some of these resources are helpful to you, and I cant wait to learn from you,  your heartaches and your joys.( Check the special needs link:)

        These children are a very special gift. I am praying for you and watching to see what God has planned for this new little family of "Special needs Mom's" remember: 2 Corth. 12:10b "When we are weak, then HE is strong."

I love you all,